Sunday, October 30, 2011

'RUBBING OUT' - Masturbation Ain't Just for Boys...It's all About Girls Getting Off

This is required reading guys. ('s all about girls masturbating. In the history of the human race, have you ever heard a man utter the words, "For Christ's sake, she made me watch her masturbate again!" Read. You'll be entertained, and you may just learn a thing or two.)

Dudes like to think that girls can get laid anytime we want. TRUE...but also gigantically false because “can” presumes something about wanting to get laid, with all of the related boy coming over to your apartment, jizzing-on-your-sheets, and-infecting-you-with-emotions, plus, maybe-crabs-ness that sexual intercourse involves. So, yeah, we "can" but we don’t. Most of the time, when girls get the urge, they go it alone in any number of alone ways, if you dig. This needs to be explained because the same guys who are leaving their Asian Fever or what have you (zzzz) in the backseat are like “Really??” about how girls jerk off too.

Like, tons, babe!

"Rubbing out"
is also pretty much the only part of female sexuality that has the gently-opening-flower aesthetic we’ve been told to expect and maintain since we were in the Cabbage Patch. Add a boy or another girl to getting off and the faces and sounds get weirder, which is betterbut alone, it’s just kind of like, ahhh…simple. You know how we mime jerking off a penis when some asshole is talking shit? I’m going to start doing a casual rub-out motion when I want to suggest something chill. “I’m going to the park to read magazines [rub-out motion]." 

Girl masturbation is especially great when we compare it with guy masturbation. As helpful as it is to watch a guy whack off...choke the chicken...spank the monkey (some of my favorite slang) so that you can take notes about how he likes his dick touchedjerking off as a concept is forever tainted by the attendant imagery of circle jerks in forests, stiff Kleenexes collecting on your floor, and even worse, the fabled tube sock. The worst porno you’ve ever self-loathingly watched half of, is more palatable to us than your fucking old, gross sport socks with the toe indentations filled up with your cum. Ugh. Boys are great, but their jerk-off technology leaves much to be desired!

An entry for your to-do-list: Watch a woman masturbateI mean really watch her. Walk slowly around her so you can observe something exquisite from all angles. You will remember those images for years and years. For more provocative images, visit my site at

                               Source: Vicemag
